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Pricing in the European Union and for Import Clients of Lovely Professional


Lovely Professional is a brand specializing in professional Lash & Brow products. Our company is registered in Hungary, which directly affects pricing both for clients within the European Union and for those importing our products from other countries. In this article, we will explore how pricing is structured for retail and wholesale clients, depending on their location and the applicable tax regulations.

Pricing in the European Union

For clients within the EU, VAT (Value Added Tax) is an important element of the pricing structure, as it is included in the cost of goods and services. VAT rates vary depending on the client’s country.

How does it work?

When you register on the Lovely Professional website and specify your country of residence, the price of goods will automatically adjust to reflect the VAT rate applicable in your country. For example:

  • Clients from Hungary see prices with the Hungarian VAT of 27%, which is one of the highest rates in the EU.

  • Clients from Germany will see prices with VAT at 19%, making the products relatively cheaper compared to Hungary.

  • In France, the VAT rate is 20%, and the price on the website will be adjusted accordingly.

This system allows buyers to see the final cost of goods immediately, simplifying the purchasing process and making it fully transparent.

Self-Pickup: Final Cost with Hungarian VAT — 27%

If you choose to pick up your order from Hungary, the final cost of the products will be calculated with the Hungarian VAT rate of 27%.

Free Shipping for EU Clients

One of the key benefits for clients within the EU is free shipping on orders over €200. This makes purchases even more attractive for those planning to buy larger quantities of products.

Benefits for Clients Importing Products from Outside the EU

For clients located outside the European Union who are importing products from Lovely Professional, the pricing structure is even more favorable. Products are offered without VAT, which lowers the final cost of goods. However, when importing products into certain countries, customs duties and taxes may apply depending on the import regulations of the destination country.

Example of Import Pricing Calculation:

Let’s say the price of eyelash extension glue is listed as €20.50 on the Lovely Professional website. This price includes the Hungarian VAT of 27%. For clients located outside the EU, the Hungarian VAT is deducted. To calculate your price:

  • €20.50 ÷ 1.27 = €16.14

This is the product price without VAT. Keep in mind that customs duties and local taxes may apply when importing goods into your country.

How to Calculate Customs Duties?

When calculating customs duties for imported products, the following factors should be considered:

  1. Base cost of goods: This is the price of the product, listed without VAT.

  2. Duty rate: This can vary between 0% and 20% or more, depending on the country.

  3. Additional taxes: In some countries, VAT on imports or other local taxes may apply.

Wholesale Clients: Benefits and Discount System

If you are a business client purchasing Lovely Professional products for your beauty salon, store, or training center, the company offers favorable conditions for wholesale buyers. For wholesale purchases, the base price is also calculated without VAT, and a flexible discount system applies depending on the volume of the order.

Example of Discount System:

  • If your order exceeds €500, you may be eligible for a 20% discount.

  • For orders over €1,000, even greater discounts may be available.

This system makes purchases for wholesalers even more advantageous, reducing costs and increasing business profitability. Want to know more? Contact us at +36706189071 for personalized conditions.

Lovely Professional offers a transparent and advantageous pricing system for both retail and wholesale clients. You can be sure that, regardless of your location, Lovely Professional provides competitive prices and high-quality products for your beauty needs and business.


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