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Primer Lovely with the aroma of Aloe New, 15 ml

array ( 'HIT' => false, 'SALEPR' => false, 'LASHBOOM' => false, 'DVAPLUSODIN' => false, 'BLACKFRIDAY' => false, 'GIFT' => false, 'NEW' => false, 'RECOMMEND' => false, 'SALE' => false, 'VISUAL' => array ( 'ORIENTATION' => 'horizontal', ), )
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IN STOCK: more than 100 pieces
Retail price
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Savings € 0,00
VAT included
VAT not included price: 7.48 *
- +

Second lash cleansing step after the pre-treatment. Essential eyelash cleanser improves better connection of artificial lashes with natural ones. Contains components enveloping  the natural eyelash by creating transparent film for additional protection.

How to use: For improving the lash retention for 1-2 weeks, after using Pre-treatment, apply small amount of product on micro-brush and wipe the eyelashes.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool and dark place at the temperature 5 °C to 25 °C. Protect from direct sunlight, heating sources, and light. Do not keep the package open or wet. 

Shelf life of the product: 24 months.
Expiration date after opening: 6 months.
Made in China 

esdf привет
Second lash cleansing step after the pre-treatment. Essential eyelash cleanser improves better connection of artificial lashes with natural ones. Contains components enveloping  the natural eyelash by creating transparent film for additional protection.

How to use: For improving the lash retention for 1-2 weeks, after using Pre-treatment, apply small amount of product on micro-brush and wipe the eyelashes.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool and dark place at the temperature 5 °C to 25 °C. Protect from direct sunlight, heating sources, and light. Do not keep the package open or wet. 

Shelf life of the product: 24 months.
Expiration date after opening: 6 months.
Made in China 

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