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Overview of Lovely's Starter Kit: The Perfect Solution for Training Centres


Lovely's starter kit is the perfect solution for training centres. It is designed especially for beginners but also suits lash artists at all levels of proficiency. Created by the technologists at Lovely Academy, this kit offers a wonderful opportunity to assemble your starter kit at a fixed price.

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Customisable Options

One of the main advantages of Lovely's starter kit is the ability to customise it. You can choose the desired glue from three options, tweezers from six options, and different pre-treatments and primers for lash preparation. This allows each artist to select the tools and materials that will be most convenient and effective in their work.

All Steps of Lash Extension

The kit covers all steps of lash extension, starting with cleaning and finishing with removal. To guarantee the best retention, especially for beginners, the kit includes a special bonder that ensures better adhesion.

Convenience and Protection

The starter kit comes in a convenient box that keeps all necessary lash products together and protects them from direct light.

Bonus from Lovely Academy

Lovely Academy has prepared an additional bonus for clients. You can found a special guide on creating eyelash extension effects. This guide will help you choose the correct direction, length, and curl for each client. The kit includes C and D curls, which are considered universal and suitable for all eye types.

Kit Contents

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The starter kit includes:

  • Straight eyelash extension tweezers
  • Curved eyelash extension tweezers
  • Pre-treatment in fragrance-free / Mango / Aloe scents
  • Primer in fragrance-free / Aloe / Coconut scents
  • Insulation tape
  • Glue (Power / Neo / Marvel)
  • Micellar water
  • Foam mousse
  • Cream remover Sensitive 15g
  • Glue palette
  • Eyelash tablet
  • Black silicone lashes, 16 lines MIX lengths 6-13 and MIX lengths 9-11 (2 palettes in the set), choice of D or C curl, thickness 0.07 or 0.10
  • Adhesive bonder
  • Branded box

Price and Special Offers

The price includes VAT. We remind our clients that we have special offers and discounts for all training centres, so don’t hesitate to contact the Lovely sales team via WhatsApp at +36706189071 or email at sale.lovelyeu@gmail.com


Lovely's starter kit is a comprehensive and flexible solution for lash artists. It offers high-quality materials and tools to help both beginners and experienced artists achieve excellent results. With this kit, you'll have everything you need to successfully start or continue your career in the lash extension industry.

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